Partonomy list P1, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress


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Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
75150 2325 tax
55634 2326 tax
maxillary dental arch (pair) ; upper dental arcade (pair)
arcus dentalis maxillaris (par) ; arcus dentalis superior (par)
55635 2327 tax
mandibular dental arch (pair) ; lower dental arcade (pair)
arcus dentalis mandibularis (par) ; arcus dentalis inferior (par)
71953 2399 tax
occlusal curves
curvae occlusales
12516 15921 tax
teeth (pair) P2 140 children
dentes (par)
15972 tax
parts of tooth (pair)
partes dentis (par)
55623 2333 tax
crowns of tooth (pair) P2 62 children
coronae dentis (par)
16774 tax
parts of crown of tooth (pair)
partes coronae dentis (par)
56481 2334 tax
cuspides dentis (par)
56498 2337 tax
tubercula dentis (par)
16708 tax
cristae coronae dentis (par)
16709 tax
fissurae coronae dentis (par)
55660 2371 tax
cavitates dentis (par) ; cavitates pulpares (par)
55642 16714 tax
facies dentis (par)
55624 2355 tax
roots of tooth (pair) P2 109 children
radices dentis (par)
317348 743 tax
dental alveoli of mandible
alveoli dentales mandibulae
317345 692 tax
dental alveoli of maxilla
alveoli dentales maxillae
55628 2379 tax
dentine (pair)
dentinum (par)
55629 2380 tax
enamel (pair)
enamelum (par)
55630 2381 tax
cement (pair)
cementum (par)
16724 tax
59762 2301 tax
gingiva (pair) ; gum (pair)
gingiva (par)
75112 2302 tax
gingival border (pair)
margo gingivalis (par)
77186 2303 tax
gingival papilla (pair) ; interdental papilla (pair)
papilla gingivalis (par) ; papilla interdentalis (par)
74580 2304 tax
gingival sulcus (pair) ; gingival groove (pair)
sulcus gingivalis (par)
56665 2382 tax
periodontium P2 19 children
26 lines
46.2 %
46.2 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P1
List Unit Identifier 2325
Sublist 1 2333 coronae dentis 62/21 on 22.12.2024
Sublist 2 2334 cuspides dentis 144/49 on 22.12.2024
Sublist 3 2337 tubercula dentis 10/9 on 22.12.2024
Sublist 4 2355 radices dentis 109/37 on 23.12.2024
Sublist 5 2371 cavitates dentis 2/1 on 22.12.2024
Sublist 6 2382 periodontium 19/18 on 23.12.2024
Sublist 7 15921 dentes 140/47 on 22.12.2024
Sublist 8 16708 cristae coronae dentis 14/5 on 22.12.2024
Sublist 9 16709 fissurae coronae dentis 16/6 on 22.12.2024
Sublist 10 16714 facies dentis 32/11 on 23.12.2024
Subtotals subchildren 548 subunits 204
Proper children 47
Number of children 595 (validated)
Proper units 16
Number of units 220 (validated)
Signature 21775 (validated since 23.12.2024)
Date: 24.12.2024